A Blog by Bajingobomb, Horde US-Malfurion

My Mage Sucks in WotLK, too! – Mana Shield

Yeah, yeah, it’s been a while since there’s been a new post.  What can I say?  Work gets busy sometimes, gotta earn that paycheck so I can afford to play this shitty class, after all!

At any rate, this morning we were treated to a startling bit of information concerning the mage class.  If you’re like me, you probably had no idea that Mana Shield was even still implemented in the game.  After all, why the hell WOULD it be?  It’s one of those fantastic spells mages get that would only be awesome if they were debuffs that you could cast on other people.

Well, good news everyone, they’re making it a little bit less shitty!  That’s right:

Mana Shield now drains 1.5 mana per damage absorbed.


Oh wait, you’ll still be OOM and dead anyway.  GG.

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